Dancing Peace – workshop week

- 30.10.2023, 12:00 AM
- 31.10.2023, 12:00 AM
- 01.11.2023, 12:00 AM
- 02.11.2023, 12:00 AM
- 03.11.2023, 12:00 AM
von Amelie Mallmann and Olena Polianska
Age 11 and over
For all young people aged 11 and over who would like to dance during the autumn vacations, we offer our autumn workshop “Dancing Peace”: For a whole week, we will explore the theme of peace on the basis of some pictures by Pablo Picasso and put them into movement. At the end, the results will be presented to family and friends.
The workshop takes place every day from 10-15h in the dance studio Podewil. It is led by Amelie Mallmann and Olena Polianska, both are dance mediators. No previous dance experience is necessary.
Costs: 150,- EUR
Registration: until 02.10. via mallmann@tanzzeit-berlin.de