Family portrait 4: Blicke

- 10.05.2021, 10:00 AM
- 11.05.2021, 10:00 AM
von Janne and Coco Ramatou Gregor
Age 5 and over / Preschool
Venue: Podewil
What and whom will we see when we next meet? We find ourselves wondering where other people are going, and whether it would be good to go along with them, or perhaps stand in their way. Would they then be forced to cross a boundary in order to re-establish closeness? How well do we really know each other? Do we always know what other people need?
Mother-and-daughter team Janne and Coco Ramatou experiment how close you can really get when you dance together. Perhaps that last little bit of strangeness also serves as an impetus for us to keep discovering one another anew.
Choreography: Janne Gregor
Dance: Janne Gregor, Coco Ramatou Gregor
Music: Moritz Thorbecke & MF Jäger
Lighting: Karel de Wit
Mobile shows in schools
We’d be delighted to put on this show for your school. It can be staged in a gym, an auditorium or a playground. It is followed by a 45-minute workshop. Total cost: €5 per pupil. For enquiries, please contact Amelie Mallmann:
Dance mediation
The performances will be followed by a stimulating discussion.
Feedback from the public
“Clownish, touching, varied, imaginative.” Anne Reuper
“So playful and fun, an absolute joy!” Bridie Gane
“Wonderful! An absolute must-see!” Steffi Sembdner
“The sweetest thing I’ve seen in a long time!” Magdalena Wiktorowicz