Shut up and dance


von Christoph Winkler

Age 8 and over / Year 3 and above

Venue: Podewil

Music, language and movement are closely connected: Language becomes music in songs. Music makes rhythm, and that is good for dancing. Like language, dance is a way of expressing oneself. But how do you dance a joke, for example?

(c) René Löffler

(c) René Löffler

(c) René Löffler

(c) René Löffler

(c) René Löffler

(c) René Löffler

Inspired by pop songs, three dancers from Canada, Germany and Burkina Faso investigate how words and movement influence each other. Using their bodies, but also German, English and French language, they compare possibilities of expression.

Shut up and dance is fun, it carries you away and gives everyone a catchy tune or two …


Choreography: Christoph Winkler
Dance: Ahmed Soura, Judith Nagel, Sarina Egan-Sitinjak
Stage: Christoph Winkler
Costumes: Valentina Primavera
Light: Martin Pilz


„When I watched, I wanted to join in and dance, too.“ / „They showed us dances from their homeland.“ / „They wanted to communicate with dance.“ (Quotes from children of the 4th grade of Regenbogen Primary School).

„The children and the accompanying class teacher enjoyed the visit to „Shut up and dance“ very much. Before and after we tried to dance letters and sentences.“ (Kosmas Kosmopoulos, dance teacher at the Gesundbrunnen primary school in Wedding)

„There was a consensus in my class that they loved it and would have loved to do a lot of re-dancing. The blah-blah song from the play is an all-time-favourite and we used it to re-dance certain movement motifs and celebrate party in a structured way. It was an all-round positive visual experience for the class.“ (An Boekman, TanzZeit artist)

„My kids were thrilled. The next day we reflected the performance verbally but also developed dances from movements that reminded them. It was amazing how much different there was. The boys were also very motivated. And from spelling to harvest dance, everything was there.“(Hanna Hegenscheidt, TanzZeit artist)