

von The Farm (Grayson Millwood and Gavin Webber)

Age 13 and over / Year 7 and above

How does collaboration work? How does it even come about?

A dancer steps onto the stage. He warms up, tries out different music … but feels very lonely all the while. Suddenly, up pops a second person, who wants to join in. But who’s the boss here? It doesn’t matter, let’s just get started. Ideas are developed and tried out; decisions are made; thoughts are shared. The rehearsal room becomes a safe space where the two can appreciate one another and no one is on an ego trip. But then comes the first argument. Fists fly and all the joy is gone. Fortunately, there’s still the audience to give them the recognition that they crave.


(c) René Löffler

(c) René Löffler

(c) René Löffler

(c) René Löffler

Grayson Millwood and Gavin Webber dance out the process of artistic collaboration in an utterly charming and at times artistic way. They experience all the highs and lows together, making it clear that rehearsals are often anything but harmonious. ‘Collaboration’ is a piece that anyone who has to work with others will appreciate.

Premiere: 25/05/2016

Choreography/dance: Grayson Millwood and Gavin Webber
Sound: Johannes Malfatti
Lighting: Martin Pilz