Normen, Normen, Normen!


von Niels „Storm“ Robitzky

Age 12 and over / Year 6 and above

Standards provide plenty of scope for discussions, closer examination and analysis. Who actually determines what constitutes or should become a standard?

Tackling this topic through dance presents a particular challenge. In this case, the hip hop dance style that the dancers perform brilliantly on the stage is called popping, and is itself far from the norm. The performers move in robotic fashion; every move is termed a ‘pop’.

The four hip hop dancers demonstrate their own take on the topic of standards, by drafting rules for dance games, sometimes with audience participation. After all, standards are generally based on rules that arise from doing things together. As they dance, they tell stories about the feeling of not belonging or straying from what appears to be conventional. They measure parts of their bodies, scrutinise ‘normal’ trends like the constant snapping of selfies, and even get a suburban living room pumping with their movements.

Choreography: Niels ‘Storm’ Robitzky

Dance: Youssef Ennaoui, Lisa Ennaoui, Christian ‘Robozee’ Zacharas, Niels ‘Storm’ Robitzky

Lighting: Martin Pilz