von Grichka Caruge

Age 12 and above

A dance on the edge, a tightrope walk at dizzying heights, demands courage, trust, and focus. It is a path of (im)balance that pushes the dancers to connect with themselves. mehr


von Mariana Romagnani

age rating 6 / first grade

What do you feel when you try something new or when something unexpected happens? mehr


von The Farm

age rating 10

"The Experiment" explores what happens when the rules of the universe are broken, leaving us asking: What is truly real? mehr

I cannot avoid

von Janne Gregor

Age 6 and over / Year 1 and above

A participative piece with Krump dancers mehr

OZ – The magic in us

von Joy Alpuerto Ritter

Age 10 and over / Year 5 and above

Four dancers and a special shoe start their journey, deal with fear, experience exclusion, question hierarchies that seemed self-evident and lose themselves. Can one find oneself in times of crisis? mehr

I need a hero

von Camilla Pölzer

Age 7 and over / Year 2 and above

Don't we all want to be a hero? Strong, extraordinary, able to do anything and perhaps even achieve something very special? But isn't that a blatant pressure to perform? mehr