Family portrait 1: ORBIT

von Laurie Young, Grayson und Milo Millwood

Age 6 and over / Year 1 and above

Through dance, a mother, father and son provide an insight into their everyday family life in lockdown. mehr

Füreinander gemacht

von Grayson Millwood (The Farm)

Age 9 and over / Year 4 and above

It’s good to have a true friend. But what if he exists only in our imagination? And what happens when he comes alive? mehr

Schau mich an!

von Joachim Schloemer

Age 9 and over / Year 4 and above

Everyone wants to get likes, have their posts shared and enjoy the limelight. But when the light goes out and you're no longer the centre of attention, who are you, exactly? mehr

Zusammen Bauen

von Gabi dan Droste and Martin Nachbar

Age 9 and over / Year 4 and above

How can we work together across generations! And what often holds us back from doing so? mehr

Alles kaputt, oder?

von Felix Marchand

Age 11 and over / Year 5 and above

A cross between a dance piece and an audio walk. Wearing headphones, the audience is plunged into a world of sound. mehr


von Michael Smith (The Farm)

Age 9 and over / Year 4 and above

COWBOY tells a tale of transformation. The Australian dancer Michael Smith explores the changes he undergoes when he starts behaving like a traditional cowboy. mehr